Insights - blog : Resilience

The Stage-Gate Model: A Proven Approach to Streamline Biomanufacturing

Written by Resilience | December 21, 2023

As biopharma companies outsource more specialized activity to CDMOs, successful technology transfer becomes even more integral to project success.

To ensure lab processes and analytical methods transfer to the plant floor in a cost- and time-effective manner, many CDMOs have established cross-functional teams and systematic processes to guide the transfer.

This white paper explains how Resilience utilizes a Stage-Gate approach to technology transfer and biomanufacturing. Built on proven methods used across industries, the Stage-Gate approach mitigates risk while shortening cycle times throughout the project lifecycle.


  • ●  The seven stages of successful biomanufacturing
  • ●  How a Stage-Gate approach can help shorten tech transfer timelines
  • ●  How implementing a Stage-Gate approach promotes cost savings and mitigates risk
  • ●  The Stage-Gate core concepts—flexibility, velocity, and rigor—and why they matter
  • ●  The due diligence, mediation, and quality review that take place between each stage
  • ●  Case studies that illustrate the Stage-Gate approach in action